Coconut exports from Guyana
Guyana Land Exports
Guyana benefits from an abundance of sunlight and rainfall due to its favourable geographic location, which supports its coastal coconut farms that provide some of the greatest fruits—whether for water, milk, or other derivatives.
In terms of farmed acreage, coconut comes in third place in Guyana, after sugar and rice. If coconut is handled well and receives support from the appropriate authorities to increase its value added, it will overtake rice as the most popular crop soon, following the path of the rice and sugar industries. Every component of the coconut tree has some function, and the crop has a significant impact on thousands of farming families’ socioeconomic security. Given that the coconut farm may grow a variety of different crops

Exports By Rayo Traders Inc
Rayo Trades Inc. is now among Guyana’s top exporters of coconuts. We have the capacity to export over two million nuts each month and the know-how to properly classify and ship nuts in dry or reefer containers in accordance with specifications.